February 19, 2025

The History of Tacoma Country and Golf Club

Our Monthly Program for May, 2015

May 21, 2015

Just in time for the US Open: the surprisingly "ancient" history of golf in Lakewood.

Admittedly, "ancient" is a relative term here--but were you aware that Lakewood is home to the oldest golf club west of the Mississippi River?

Founded by Scottish immigrant Alexander Baillie in 1894, the Tacoma Country & Golf Club occupies a beautiful stretch along the shores of American Lake. On the evening of May 21, 43 attendees took advantage of a rare opportunity to visit TC&GC's grounds and learn its history in a presentation by club manager Josh Bridge and course superintendent Joel Kachmarek. Afterward, they enjoyed light refreshments provided by the club.

Our thanks to Josh, Joel and everyone else involved in a very entertaining and enlightening evening!

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